Monday, November 26, 2007

Hey everybody !!! It's now Week 10 and we are 2 more weeks before the term break. So, how was it so far ? hope that u guys have made the right decision for the option. Today, we also got back our CPPA QUiz 1 results. So, how was it? How do u fare ? Hope u guys satisfied with the marks.

Anyway, just to let u guys know that we need to do the student feedback form for our lecturers who teach us this semester. It's from 26 nov to 16 dec. Everybody needs to do as it is compulsory. To access the student feedback form,

1)Login to mySAS
2)Under Academic tab, click "Student Feedback"
3)Follow the instructions on how to use.

Happy doing it & have a fruitful week ahead !!! =)

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